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Results for "walter wink"
Resistance Lois McAfee on prayer as a necessary practice that gives activists the strength to resist.
The God We Never Knew Marcus J. Borg on a more authentic Christian faith.
Gandhi & Jesus A trenchant presentation of the nonviolence of Jesus and Mahatma Gandhi as a path of speaking truth to power.
Hate-Work A new paradigm for understanding this emotion and its alternatives: love, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and restorative justice.
Radical Forgiveness Provides an in-depth examination of the Christian practice of forgiveness.
Eye of the Heart A masterful presentation of a map of the cosmos with a focus on the energy exchanges between the visible and invisible worlds.
The Heart of Christianity Marcus J. Borg on the various meanings of Jesus' death on the cross.
Jesus Books Brief reviews with links to full reviews of 50 books about Jesus of Nazareth, his life, teachings, and impact, that reveal the many ways he has been seen throughout history.